Thursday, July 8, 2010

I know way too many people here right now that I didn't know last year....Who da fuck are ya'll??

I swear to you that I actually cracked my knuckles and popped my shoulders like I was getting ready for some physical activity before I sat down to start this blog. I will admit, I love an audience, so I decided to write about the two things I am extremely passionate about, "Radio" and "DJs". I put those in " " in order to emphasize how deep those two categories are, and how sometime's (and hopefully a bunch of times on this blog) they come together.

My name is Neal West. I am an industry insider with about 12 years of Radio and another 3 on top of that behind the Turntables. I've worked as a live Sound & Lighting Engineer on the West Coast for 4 years, and I've built my fair share of BIG PA's. I was a Resident Dj on The MixDown Dance Mix Radio Show, and the VP of West Coast Operations for Intermix World Media. I've worked at too many radio stations to mention here, most notably KDND-Sacramento (107.9 The End) and KRQR-Chico (The LEGENDARY 106.7 Z-ROCK). I'm also a columnist at DanceMusic.About.Com. My "day job" these days is as owner of my own Production/Voice Over company, serving clients and radio stations around the world!

I think you will find my insider information and contacts, along with my own experiences along the way will give you a unique experience that hopefully, you'll crave more of....

Join me on Facebook, if you haven't already.... and DJ's be sure to get your Drops/Imaging from ME! visit

Peace Love & Beats!

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